There are many hymns to the Saints in general, and to our community's patron saints in particular. Here are the troparia and kontakia for St Silouan and for All Saints of Britain and Ireland.
A troparion is a short hymn first said at the end of vespers and then inserted into the other services of the day, which is dedicated to a particular Saint of Feast Day. The troparion for a saint, therefore, is usually sung in the church at the end of vespers on the eve of his/her feast day - setting the "theme" for the liturgical day - then repeated at other services throughout the day.
A kontakion used to be a longer thematic hymn (i.e. dedicated to a Feast or Saint) that survives in the Church today as Canons and, less so, Akathists. The first stanza of a longer kontakion is often used by itself and used in the Canon at matins and after the Troparia at the Divine Liturgy, being very similar in form. The kontakia below are of this single stanza form.
Although the troparia and kontakia for St Silouan (24 Sep) and All Saints of Britain and Ireland (3rd Sun after Pentecost) are normally only sung on their feast days, they have been included here as "Daily Prayers". This is because they are our patrons, and it is a good habit to pray to your patron saint(s) daily as part of a healthy prayer rule.
Troparion to Saint Silouan (Tone IV)
On the path of humility,
By thy prayers you received Christ as thy Master.
In thy heart the Holy Spirit witnessed to thy salvation.
Therefore all people called to live in hope rejoice and celebrate thy memory!
Holy Father Silouan, pray to Christ God to save our souls.
Kontakion to Saint Silouan (Tone VIII)
During thy life on earth thou served Christ and followed His path;
Now in Heaven thou dost contemplate Him Whom thou hast loved!
Since thou dwellest with Him as He promised to His elect, holy Father Silouan,
Instruct us now in the path that thou didst travel.
Troparion to All Saints of these Isles (Tone VIII)
From the ends of the earth, O Lord,
The Isles of the Sea offer Thee all the saints who have shone forth therein
As the fair fruit of Thy saving splendour.
Through their supplications and through the Mother of God,
Preserve Thy Church and Thine Isles in peace profound,
O Most Merciful One.
Kontakion to All Saints of these Isles (Tone III)
Today the choirs of the saints who have pleased God in the Isles
Stand forth in the Church and unseen pray to God for us.
With them the angels give glory;
And all the saints of the Church of Christ make glad with them,
And all together they beseech the Pre-Eternal God for us.
