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Prayers for the Nativity Fast and the Canon for Christmas Eve

Writer's picture: Silouan & All Saints GBISilouan & All Saints GBI

The 28th of November is the beginning of St Philip's Fast, the 40 day fast leading up to Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Christmas - 7th January for the majority of Orthodox Christians). Known as Advent in the West, this is a period of preparation for the great feast, often at odds with the way the lead up to Christmas is treated in the secular world. where everyone is tired of celebrating well before Christmas!

As with any fasting period, as well as abstaining from food, it is good spiritual practice to increase our own prayer rule slightly, dedicating more time with God. Attached below are "Advent Prayers" containing the "Hymn of the Forefeast" and then one other prayer for each day of the week. The intention is that every day, the Hymn of the Forefeast and the appropriate hymn for the day of the week can be added to your daily prayer rule. These can be added at the end of the normal prayers, just before the final benediction (e.g. "Through the prayers of our holy fathers, O Lord Jesus Christ...etc.), at the beginning, or both.

These "daily prayers" are taken from the Canon for the Forefeast of the Nativity, sung in church during the Matins (morning) service of Christmas Eve. However, as the canon is "anticipating" the birth of Christ, it is suitable for the entire Nativity Fast, and not just the day before. The entire canon for the Forefeast of the Nativity is also included below. For those who are able, the entire canon can be read throughout the fast.

May you have a fruitful and blessed fast!

Daily Advent prayers

Canon for the Forefeast of the Nativity of Christ

Ode I

Irmos: A triumphant force once laid low all the armed hosts of Pharaoh in the deep: even so the glorious Lord, the Word made flesh, hath blotted out malignant sin; for He hath been greatly glorified.

Glory to Thee, our God. Glory to Thee.

O King of All, wishing man to be enrolled in the book of life, Thou hast enrolled Thyself according to the law of Caesar. As a stranger hast Thou come unto Thine own, calling back to heaven those who were unhappily estranged from paradise.

Glory to Thee, our God. Glory to Thee.

O King of All, wishing man to be enrolled in the book of life, Thou hast enrolled Thyself according to the law of Caesar. As a stranger hast Thou come unto Thine own, calling back to heaven those who were unhappily estranged from paradise.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

O Bethlehem, receive Christ: for, made flesh, He cometh to dwell in thee, opening Eden to me. Make ready, O cave, to behold most strangely contained in thee, Him Who cannot be contained, who now is made poor in the wealth of His tender mercies.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Christ comes to be born, granting in His goodness a strange rebirth to those sprung from Adam. Be glad, the whole nature of mortal man, thou that art barren and bearest not: the Master hath come to make thee a mother of many children.


Irmos: The desert flowered as a lily at Thy coming, O Lord, even the Church of the Gentiles that was barren: and in that same coming is my heart established.

Glory to Thee, our God. Glory to Thee.

Redeeming me from the bands of evil, O Lord who lovest mankind, Thou comest to be wrapped as a babe in swaddling bands. I venerate Thy divine condescension.

Glory to Thee, our God. Glory to Thee.

Redeeming me from the bands of evil, O Lord who lovest mankind, Thou comest to be wrapped as a babe in swaddling bands. I venerate Thy divine condescension.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The Virgin draweth nigh to bear Thee, O Lord, who, shining timelessly from the Father, hast now come to be in time, setting us loose from the temporal passions of our souls.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Lord most merciful and full of pity, seeking me who had gone astray in transgression, Thou hast come to dwell in a cave as in Heaven, thereby preparing the Heavenly mansions for me.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. 

Sedalion, Tone I: Rejoice exceedingly, O Sion: make ready, O Bethlehem. The Upholder of All Things, sending a star before Him, hath made known His condescension without measure. He before Whom the heavenly powers tremble, our only God, without suffering change, is born in very truth from the Virgin.

Ode IV

Irmos: Thou hast come forth from a virgin, neither as an angel nor an ambassador, but the Lord Himself made flesh, and to me who am man Thou hast brought salvation. Therefore, I cry unto Thee: ‘Glory to Thy power, O Lord.’

Glory to Thee, our God. Glory to Thee.

Let the creation now cast off all things old, beholding Thee the Creator made a child. For through Thy birth Thou dost shape all things afresh, making them new once more and leading them back again to their first beauty.

Glory to Thee, our God. Glory to Thee.

The magi who had been led on their way by a divine star, stood before Thee, in wonder at Thy marvellous birth; and bearing gifts, they saw the Sun that rose from the virgin cloud.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Behold, the Virgin cometh like a young heifer, bearing in her womb the fatted calf that takest away the sins of the world. Let the creation, as it keeps feast, rejoice exceedingly.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The preaching of the prophets, foretelling the manifestation of Christ, hath today received its saving fulfilment: for He has come in the flesh to enlighten those in peril of darkness.

Ode V

Irmos: Thou art become mediator between God and man, O Christ our God; for through Thee, O Master, we have access from the darkness of ignorance to Thy Father, the Author of Light.

Glory to Thee, our God. Glory to Thee.

Let the people that once sat in darkness see the Light that knoweth no evening shine forth: Him whom the star once made known to kings from Persia, who worshipped fire.

Glory to Thee, our God. Glory to Thee.

Let the people that once sat in darkness see the Light that knoweth no evening shine forth: Him whom the star once made known to kings from Persia, who worshipped fire.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The great King cometh in haste to enter a small cave, that He may make me great who had grown small, and that, as transcendent God, by His poverty without measure He may enrich me who had grown poor.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

‘Now is Christ born of Jacob,’ so Balaam said: ‘And He shall rule over nations, and His kingdom shall be exalted in grace and shall remain perpetually.’

Ode VI

Irmos: Compassed about in an abyss of sin, on the unsearchable abyss of Thy tender mercies do I call: raise me out of corruption, O God.

Glory to Thee, our God. Glory to Thee.

Christ in strange wise cometh to His own. Let us make ourselves strangers to sin, and let us receive Him who dwellest in the souls of the meek.

Glory to Thee, our God. Glory to Thee.

Christ in strange wise cometh to His own. Let us make ourselves strangers to sin, and let us receive Him who dwellest in the souls of the meek.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou, O Bethlehem, art not least among cities: for in thee is born the King and Lord who shall tend as a shepherd the people that is His own.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

How shall a small cave receive Thee, for whom the world cannot find room, O Thou Whom none can comprehend? O Thou, Who with the Father art without beginning, how shalt Thou appear as a small child?

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. 

Kontakion, Tone III:

Spec. Mel.: “Today the Virgin…”:

Today the Virgin cometh to give birth ineffably to the preëternal Word in the cave. Dance, O world! And having heard this, with the angels and shepherds glorify the preëternal God, Who is to appear as a little babe.

Ikos: The sacred sayings of the prophets have received their fulfilment, for, lo! the Virgin giveth birth to the All-perfect One in the city of Bethlehem, within a cave! All creation hath been refashioned! Rejoice and dance! The Master of all hath come to dwell with His servants, delivering from the dominion of the alien us who were cast down by corruption, and He is seen as an infant, wrapped in swaddling-clothes, in the manger, the preëternal God, the little babe.


Irmos: The profane command of a lawless tyrant fanned the flame exceeding high; but Christ cast the dew of the Spirit over the children who feared God: blessed is He and exalted above all.

Glory to Thee, our God. Glory to Thee.

Let clouds drop water from on high; He who in glory maketh the clouds His chariot, cometh borne upon a cloud, that is the Virgin. The Light that knows no evening, He cometh to shine on those who before were in darkness and in peril.

Glory to Thee, our God. Glory to Thee.

Let clouds drop water from on high; He who in glory maketh the clouds His chariot, cometh borne upon a cloud, that is the Virgin. The Light that knows no evening, He cometh to shine on those who before were in darkness and in peril.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

O army of divine angels, make ready to sing the praises of the ineffable condescension of the Lord. O ye magi, come with all speed; O shepherds, make haste. Christ is come, the predestined expectation of the nations and their deliverance.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

‘What is this great and strange wonder? How do I uphold Thee who upholdest all the world by Thy word? O my Son Who art without beginning, Thy birth is beyond all speech!’ So spake the All-Pure, fearfully holding Christ in her arms.


Irmos: In Babylon of old, by the command of God, the fiery furnace worked in contrary ways: burning the Chaldeans, it refreshed the faithful as they sang: ‘O all ye works of the Lord, bless ye the Lord.’

Glory to Thee, our God. Glory to Thee.

The blameless Lady was amazed at the height of the mystery, in truth past speech, that covered the heavens with knowledge, and she said: ‘The heavenly throne is consumed in flames as it holds Thee; how is it, then, that I carry Thee, my Son?’

Glory to Thee, our God. Glory to Thee.

The blameless Lady was amazed at the height of the mystery, in truth past speech, that covered the heavens with knowledge, and she said: ‘The heavenly throne is consumed in flames as it holds Thee; how is it, then, that I carry Thee, my Son?’

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

‘Thou dost bear the likeness of Thy Father, O my Son. How then hast Thou become poor and taken upon Thyself the likeness of a servant? How shall I lay Thee in a manger of beasts without reason, Who dost deliver all men from unreason? I sing the praises of Thy compassion.’

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Be joyful all the earth: behold, Christ draws nigh to be born in Bethlehem. Be glad, O sea; dance for joy, thou congregation of prophets, seeing the fulfilment of your words; rejoice, O all ye righteous.

Ode IX

Irmos: The Son of the Father without beginning hath appeared to us, God the Lord made flesh of the Virgin, to give light to those in darkness, and to gather the dispersed. Therefore, the far-famed Theotokos do we magnify.

Glory to Thee, our God. Glory to Thee.

Let the kings of the whole earth sing rejoicing, and let the companies of the nations be in exceeding joy. Mountains and hills and hollows, rivers and seas, and the whole creation, magnify the Lord who now is born.

Glory to Thee, our God. Glory to Thee.

As far as it was right, Thou wast seen by the prophets. Made man in the last times, Thou hast appeared to all in Bethlehem, city of Judah, and a star showed Thee to the star-gazers, O Thou Who passest all interpretation.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Behold, the Most Holy Word comes unto His own in a holy body that is not His. By a strange birth He maketh His own the world that was estranged. To Him let us sing in praise, Who became poor for us.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

‘O sweetest Child, how shall I feed Thee Who givest food to all? How shall I hold Thee Who holdest all things in Thy power? How shall I wrap Thee in swaddling clothes, Who dost wrap the whole earth in clouds?’ So cried the all-pure Lady whom in faith we magnify.

Prayer after the Canon

O God and Father, the Almighty One, Thou didst create the human race in Thine image and likeness, and when we fell through disobedience, Thou didst promise to send a Saviour. When the fullness of time had come, Thy favour rested on Thine Only-Begotten Son, and He was born of the Virgin Mary. Thus, that which Isaiah the prophet foretold was fulfilled: “Behold, the Virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Emmanuel, which meaneth ‘God with us.’ “ His birth filled all creation with light; He gave us the baptism of repentance, and didst restore our ancient dignity. Now, most compassionate Lord, Thou bringest us to these honoured days of the Nativity Fast, that we may do battle with the desires of the flesh and draw strength from the hope of the resurrection. Receive us, then, as penitents and forgive our iniquities, whether committed knowingly and unknowingly, through malice and through weakness. And may our prayers, our fasting, and our works of mercy rise up before Thee as incense, as a sweet spiritual fragrance, that in company with the Magi and the shepherds, we too, with pure hearts, may be found worthy to bow down before the Nativity of Jesus Christ, Thy beloved Son. To Whom, together with Thee and Thine All-Holy Spirit, belongeth glory, honour, and worship, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

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Name: Community of Saint Silouan and All Saints of Britain of Ireland (or St Silouan and All Saints)

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