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Akathist to Saint Silouan the Athonite (11/24 Sept)

Writer's picture: Silouan & All Saints GBISilouan & All Saints GBI

Updated: Aug 18, 2022

Below is the akathist hymn to St Silouan, our patron Saint. Included in the booklet is a short biography and the full service for reading the Akathist at home or without a priest. The text has been arranged so that the pdf file is printed off in booklet form to produce an A5-sized booklet.

Akathist Hymn to Saint Silouan the Athonite

Kontakion I

O chosen ascetic and earthly angel of Christ, all-blessed father Silouan, most excellent emulator of the fathers of Athos in vigils, fasting and humility! Through thy thirst for God and burning love for Him thou didst acquire abundant grace for thy soul, O most blessed one. Imitating Christ, thou didst crucify thyself with tearful prayer for those languishing in hades, for the living and for those yet to come. Of this thy love deprive us not, who amid the vale of sin ask thine intercession before God and cry out with compunction:

Rejoice, O father Silouan, ever burning with love in thy prayer for the world!

Ikos I

The Creator of angels and Lord of hosts chose thee beforehand from thy mother’s womb, and, as saith the Psalmist, gave thee a deep heart, O God-bearing father Silouan, that as in a most excellent receptacle thou mightest place the uncontainable name of God Most High, and through the power of God and divine grace might zealously follow the life of the angels. And praising the wondrous struggle of thine earthly labors, we reverently cry out to thee:

Rejoice, fruit of the chaste purity of pious parents;

Rejoice, fragrant flower of the unfading beauty of their struggle of faith!

Rejoice, thou who with all thy soul didst love the piety of thy parents.

Rejoice, thou who wast pleased to emulate their chastity and love for God!

Rejoice, thou who from childhood wast wondrously filled with the wisdom to seek joy in God;

Rejoice, thou who like a deer didst yearn for the well-spring of grace divine!

Rejoice, thou who didst sweeten thy youthful mind with the word of God, as with sweet honey;

Rejoice, thou who didst root thy heart wholly in the will of God!

Rejoice, O father Silouan, ever burning with love in thy prayer for the world!

Kontakion II

The all-blessed Birth-giver of God beheld thee sunk in the depths of sin, when delight in sin had entered into the belly of thy youth like a fetid serpent; and, grieving maternally, she wondrously cried out to thee: “Most painful is it for me to see thee defiling thyself with sinful acts!” And when thou didst realize that she was suffering for thy falls into sin, thou didst manfully cast the serpent of sin out, vanquishing it by repentance and prayer, and ever chanting to the Lord Who loveth us a hymn of gratitude for His all-pure Mother: Alleluia!

Ikos II

The knowledge of God overshadowed thee when thou wast vouchsafed to hear the voice of the Mother of the Lord of hosts, O Silouan chosen of God, and thy heart was filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit, by Whose activity thou didst escape the vanity of the world like a doe from a snare, fleeing unto Mount Athos, the garden of the Mother of God who had wondrously summoned thee, that thou mightest cleave unto God with filial love. And, seeing the wondrous intention of the Mistress of the world for thee, we cry out to thee with compunction:

Rejoice, thou who wast called forth from the darkness of sin into the Light by the all-pure one herself;

Rejoice, thou who wast wondrously chosen to be a faithful husbandman of her earthly garden!

Rejoice, chosen fruit of the land of Russia, springing forth in abundance on Mount Athos;

Rejoice, untiring conscience who broke the sting of sin by penitent prayer!

Rejoice, thou who didst minister unto God like an angel in the Holy Monastery of Saint Panteleimon;

Rejoice, thou who by labour, fasting and stillness didst gloriously subdue the enemy who fought against thee!

Rejoice, thou who by humble-mindedness didst trample the wiles of the devil underfoot;

Rejoice, thou who didst gloriously acquire immaculate faith by thy thirst for God!

Rejoice, O father Silouan, ever burning with love in thy prayer for the world!

Kontakion III

The power of the Most High truly preserved thee when the spirit of hades and death attacked thee and assailed thy soul with sinful delusions, O God-loving Silouan. But when thou wast afflicted and didst imagine that God was beyond entreaty, the Lord Who loveth mankind visited thee in the ineffable effulgence of Tabor, O most blessed one, and strengthened thee with the fire of the grace of the Holy Spirit. And receiving a new birth, like Paul, with fear and joy thou didst cry out unto God: Alleluia!

Ikos III

Possessed of a wealth of grace, thou wast taken up by the Spirit into the heavens, where thou didst hear unspeakable words. Truly, who can describe those joys, O all-blessed father Silouan? For when, beyond the forms of the world, in contemplation of the indescribable beauties of the Godhead, thou wast vouchsafed to gaze upon the face of Christ God Who loveth infinitely and forgiveth all, thou wast filled to overflowing with the ineffable love of God. And, marveling at thine ineffable divine vision, we cry out:

Rejoice, thou who in the struggle of the faith of Christ wast vouchsafed visitation and consolation;

Rejoice, thou who wast counted worthy to behold the beauty of His ineffable glory!

Rejoice, thou who by the Holy Spirit wast transported to the heavenly Eden of wondrous beauty;

Rejoice, thou who there wast given to drink abundantly of the gracious gifts of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter!

Rejoice, partaker of the ineffable beauty of paradise;

Rejoice, beloved of God who wast favored by Him with compassions of heavenly beauty!

Rejoice, thou who dost earnestly mediate these graces for the whole human race;

Rejoice, thou who like an unsleeping guardian dost wake us for the dawn of eternal life!

Rejoice, O father Silouan, ever burning with love in thy prayer for the world!

Kontakion IV

The devil, the slayer of man, who from time immemorial hath sought to destroy the righteous, loosed a storm of grievous temptations upon thee, O father Silouan, but thou wast taught by the Holy Spirit to keep thy mind in hell but despair not. Anticipating the wiles of the devil by vigilance and humility, thou didst vanquish him; and put to shame by thee, he plainly admitted that he is a liar. Thus didst thou preserve thy soul for God, like a meek dove from the snares, unceasingly chanting unto Him: Alleluia!

Ikos IV

Hearing of thee that thou wast miraculously summoned from the vanity of the world to the monastic struggle, and that thou didst produce goodly fruit through the grace of God, O venerable one, not only young monks, but elders also, well tried in the struggle, had recourse unto thee and delighted in thy deeds and words as in honey; and thus attaining the angelic life, they emulated the Lord. Wherefore we too, seeing thee adorned with humble-mindedness, cry out to thee with joy:

Rejoice, inexhaustible well of humble- mindedness and chastity;

Rejoice, fragrant and unfading lily of the earthly Eden!

Rejoice, thou who with love didst bear the easy yoke of Christ in thy struggle;

Rejoice, thou who by prayer didst establish thy mind, heart and will in God!

Rejoice, thou who didst diligently preserve the purity of thy soul and body;

Rejoice, thou who by unceasing prayer didst ascend the heights of dispassion!

Rejoice, most earnest follower of the canons of the holy fathers;

Rejoice, thou who dost unceasingly proclaim to us the heavenly homeland and the love of God!

Rejoice, O father Silouan, ever burning with love in thy prayer for the world!

Kontakion V

The Lord gave thee divine grace as a star pointing the way and enlightening thy mind, O God-loving father Silouan, and thereby He strengthened thee for the struggle of salvation, as He did Elias at the brook Chorath. And, wondrously fed with the inexhaustible treasures of the Holy Spirit, in youth and old age, from the morning watch until night, in thy prayers for the whole world thou didst unceasingly sound forth unto God like a melodious flute: Alleluia!

Ikos V

We see thee in thy goodly struggle, O blessed father Silouan, seeking the love of God as a babe seeketh its mother’s milk, aflame with His love and crying out with tears: “Be thou mindful of the love of the Lord, O my soul, and warm thou my heart, for who can give me such heat as the love of God, which will give me rest neither by day or by night?”

Wherefore, let us constrain our hearts and soften our souls with the warmth of love for Thee, God most compassionate, and let us cry out to Silouan with compunction:

Rejoice, thou who didst constantly thirst for the righteousness of God, more than for sweet honey;

Rejoice, thou who didst emulate the angels in thy love for the Lord!

Rejoice, thou who dost offer up the incense of pure prayer like a flame of fire;

Rejoice, thou who hast adorned things above and things below with the beauty of angelic reverence!

Rejoice, for thou didst make thy heart like the bush unconsumed by the fire;

Rejoice, for thine arms, like those of Moses for the chosen people, were stretched forth before the Lord for all!

Rejoice, for thou didst love to desire the judgments of God for all time, and didst seek His statutes.

Rejoice, for thou didst unceasingly cry out to Him: O God, save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance!

Rejoice, O father Silouan, ever burning with love in thy prayer for the world!

Kontakion VI

Thou wast shown to be a constant preacher of stillness, O favored one of God, when lovingly the Lord Who loveth mankind desired to test thee by depriving thee of the visitation of the most Holy Spirit. Sensing thyself bereft of His grace, like Adam who lamented the loss of paradise thou didst tearfully cry out with contrite heart: “O Lord, before Thou didst seek me out and grant me to delight in Thy Holy Spirit, and my soul loved Thee. But now my soul grieveth after Thee.” And thus lamenting, though trusting in the loving-kindness of God, thou didst cry out to Him: Alleluia!

Ikos VI

Thou didst shine forth as a new beholder of mysteries, O God-loving father Silouan, and by prayer and tears didst again acquire the grace of the Holy Spirit, through which thy heart was filled to overflowing with ineffable love. And comprehending the power of this grace, thou didst cry out with the boldness of Elias: “O Lord, not to me alone, but grant the whole world to recognize Thy love and be saved!” And having thee as a tireless advocate before God, we cry out to thee with compunction:

Rejoice, for through thy prayer for the dead, the living and those yet to come, thou becamest an open heaven;

Rejoice, for by such love thou didst win the kingdom of heaven for thy soul!

Rejoice, wondrous embodiment of purity of faith and innocence;

Rejoice, thou who didst acquire the full forgiveness of Christ for thy neighbours’ falls into sin!

Rejoice, faithful fellow struggler with the saints of God, the wondrous sanctification of the world;

Rejoice, faithful novice of the all-blessed Abbess of Athos and receptacle of the gifts of the Holy Spirit!

Rejoice, sweetly melodious harp of the Mount, proclaiming the life which is to come;

Rejoice, tireless toiler in her garden, who dost strengthen the weak for the struggle!

Rejoice O father Silouan, ever burning with love in thy prayer for the world!

Kontakion VII

Desiring to reveal in thee a new lamp of grace, O venerable father Silouan, the Lord Who loveth mankind transplanted thee like an olive shoot from the root of the land of Russia to the wilderness of Athos; and, bedewing thee with the grace of the Holy Spirit, He rendered thee most fruitful: for by thy deeds and words, as with life-creating oil, thou didst guide all to purity and chastity, piety and brotherly love. And, bound with the bond of love, and making what is baser subject to that which is higher, they chanted unto God: Alleluia!

Ikos VII

The Lord revealed thee as a new fellow ascetic of the desert dwellers, a guide and teacher of monks and lay folk, O all-blessed Silouan. For, while yet living in the world, thou didst teach the full forgiveness of Christ to a certain soldier, who was scandalized by the fall of his wife into sin and raged with anger, and thus thou didst preserve the Mystery of Matrimony, the Little Church, from destruction. And calling on monks who had fallen into despondency to acquire peace of soul, and guiding them to the fear of God, thou didst lead them to repentance, and didst thus prepare all to be dwellers in paradise. Knowing thee as one who thus concerned thyself for the salvation of all, with love we cry out to thee as is due:

Rejoice, diligent fellow struggler with the desert-lovers in seeking God;

Rejoice, earnest establisher of brotherly love and fervent advocate for all!

Rejoice, faithful companion on the path of life, amid misfortunes and perils;

Rejoice, unfeigned servant amid sicknesses and griefs, and sorrows of soul!

Rejoice, proclaimer of the love of God, calling all to reconciliation with God and our neighbours;

Rejoice, thou who in bearing witness that the Lord is good dost strengthen in the hope of forgiveness souls weakened by sin!

Rejoice, faithful ascetic of the earthly Eden, tearfully mediating salvation for the world;

Rejoice, thou who desirest to descend into hades for all unrepentant sinners;

Rejoice, O father Silouan, ever burning with love in thy prayer for the world!

Kontakion VIII

A strange wonder did the Lord reveal to thee, O all-blessed father Silouan, when He miraculously showed thee thy spiritual father, the elder Abramius, transfigured in His own image and shining more brightly than the eye can bear; and so He hath taught us to treat the Mystery of Repentance with honour. And, seeing thee entrusting thine own will to thy spiritual father as to the Lord Himself, and thus cutting off thine evil desires through humility and repentance, we learn thus to entrust ourselves to the will of God through the pastors of the Church, and so to escape the wrath of God and the coming judgment before our departure, crying out to the triune God: Alleluia!


O all-wondrous favorite of God, who acquired the humility of Christ with all thy heart and soul, and who crucified thyself to the world for Him, thy Beloved, thou didst cry out, weeping: “O Jesus most sweet! Thou hast resurrected my soul, that I may love Thee and my neighbor. Wherefore, grant me to pour forth tears for the whole world, that all men may come to know Thee that they may delight in Thy peace and behold the light of Thy countenance.” And we who have wasted our life in sins and are saved by thee bless thee thus:

Rejoice, tireless toiler with her who is our earnest helper, in making supplications for the world;

Rejoice, thou who, like Jeremiah who wept for the people, hast bedewed the Holy Mountain with tears!

Rejoice, all-wondrous ascetic of Athos, who by thy supplication dost sanctify the whole world;

Rejoice, thou who as a solicitous father dost mediate with tears before God for all who are perishing amid sins!

Rejoice, beloved favorite of Christ God, joy and amazement of the angels;

Rejoice, radiant effulgence of the North, purely transplanted from Holy Russia to the desert of Athos!

Rejoice, thou who in humble obedience didst show forth a model of angelic beauty;

Rejoice, thou who by the fervor of thy supplication didst desire to make us also dwellings of the divine Spirit!

Rejoice, O father Silouan, ever burning with love in thy prayer for the world!

Kontakion IX

All the angelic beings and the multitude of ascetics marveled at thy humility and love for mankind, O Silouan our father, when, assuming the position of steward, thou didst emulate the chaste Joseph of Egypt. Having concern not only for the brethren of the holy monastery, but also for the lay workers who toiled there, as sons of God, thou didst cry out in their behalf to God Who loveth each of His creatures: “O Lord, send Thou Thy Holy Spirit, and comfort the troubled souls of these, Thy poor people.” For thus pointing out the beauty of each obedience undertaken with humility of mind, thou didst cry out to God unceasingly: Alleluia!

Ikos IX

Even the most eloquent of orators are unable to describe the power of thy love, O all-wondrous father Silouan; for with tears thou didst thirst to extinguish all enmity and disorder among men and to reconcile everyone unto God, crying out to the Master of the world: “O Lord, I yearn to be Thine, and to crucify myself with Thee for the whole world, that all may be saved!” And to the brethren thou didst cry out: “My children, pray for thine enemies, for they are our brethren, our life; and only the devil is the enemy of peace.” And guided by thee toward brotherly love and love of mankind, we cry out to thee:

Rejoice, thou who in thy goodness didst make thyself like Christ on Golgotha;

Rejoice, thou who didst crucify thyself for thine enemies, not through thy hands, but thy heart and soul!

Rejoice, thou who carest for thy neighbour and didst not lose the beauty of grace- filled stillness;

Rejoice, thou who, loving thy neighbour, didst acquire the power of unceasing prayer!

Rejoice, thou who through fasting and prayer didst utterly deflect the darts of the evil one;

Rejoice, thou who hast taught us to overcome the evil wiles and machinations of the devil!

Rejoice, thou who, grinding thy flesh in the mill of Christ like sacred grain, didst sweeten thy heart with prayer;

Rejoice, thou who with the bread of life didst feed the workmen of the garden of the Queen of heaven!

Rejoice, O father Silouan, ever burning with love in thy prayer for the world!

Kontakion X

Seeking the salvation of thy soul, and desiring to cleave unto Christ most sweet, thou didst humbly flee from the land of thy fathers to the Holy Mountain, where in abstinence and stillness, industriousness and love for mankind, thou didst acquire angelic beauty, O most blessed one.

And thus thou didst attain a goodly end at the all-blessed dawn, when all the desert-lovers of the communities of Athos chant the midnight hymn to the Creator, and didst surrender thy soul, which was nourished by the life-creating Body and Blood of the Lord, into His divine hands, that with all the saints thou mightest unceasingly chant to the Word, Who is holier than the saints: Alleluia!

Ikos X

In life, faith and love thou wast a most zealous servant of the King of heaven, Whom the cherubim, the seraphim and the councils of the saints glorify, O venerable one; and like a fragrant lily thou standest with all the elect of the all-pure Theotokos at the throne of the Most-Holy Trinity. Be thou, O most blessed one, a most zealous mediator before God for the peace and prosperity of the land of thy fathers, and an angel of untiring prayer and a fervent intercessor for the Holy Church, that delivered by thee from tribulations, we may cry out to thee in thanksgiving:

Rejoice, angel of the Russian land, who didst labour most excellently on the Holy Mountain;

Rejoice, most fervent advocate, who for us hast crucified thyself with love at the throne of God!

Rejoice, earnest mediator before God for the people of the land of thy fathers;

Rejoice, speedy intercessor for the brethren of the garden of Athos who weaken in the struggle!

Rejoice, thou who didst bear without complaint the wounds of thy Lord on thy body;

Rejoice, thou who didst entrust to Him thy pure soul, rendered white by tears of repentance!

Rejoice, faithful husbandman of the garden of Christ, who wast summoned by the Lord to Sion on high;

Rejoice, for, crowned there with glory and honour, thou holdest converse with the saints and angels!

Rejoice, O father Silouan, ever burning with love in thy prayer for the world!

Kontakion XI

A meet and laudatory hymn do we offer thee, O father Silouan, favorite of God; for with burning love for the Lord Who hungered for the salvation of the world and put the devil to shame by His humility, thou didst faithfully follow Him. Thus adorned with the fruitful gifts of the Holy Spirit, thou didst perfume the wilderness of Athos with pure prayer, graciously showing us the ideal of the angelic life. For likening the Holy Mountain to paradise, thou didst put the enemy to shame, and didst acquire the kingdom of heaven for thy soul, struggling to cleave unto God with love, and crying out to Him: Alleluia!

Ikos XI

In our days – during thy lifetime and after thy death – the Lord hath revealed thee to the whole world as a bearer of the light-bestowing light and grace of the Holy Spirit, that, gazing upon thee, who art resplendent in the incorrupt beauty of thine earthly struggles and dost offer supplications for us like the cherubim at the throne of God, we are assured of our hope of salvation and most diligently follow thy moral life. Sweetly do we submit our will to the love of God that thusly the glorification of the name of the Lord, Who loveth us, may be made steadfast in our bodies and souls. Wherefore, strengthened by thee in faith, with love we cry out to thee:

Rejoice, thou who by the struggles of a moral life dost strengthen us in love of God;

Rejoice, zealous denouncer of immorality, who teachest us to preserve the Mysteries and canons of the Orthodox Faith!

Rejoice, thou who wast earnestly zealous to embrace the desert-dwelling of Peter the Athonite in fasting and stillness;

Rejoice, thou who didst faithfully emulate Abba Athanasius in care for the goodly morals of monastics!

Rejoice, new luminary of the Faith, who in our days dost point out the true path to God;

Rejoice, thou who bearest true witness unto all concerning the abundance of the grace of the Holy Spirit in the Orthodox Church!

Rejoice, faithful servant of Christ, who standest as is meet before the throne of His glory;

Rejoice, thou who dost earnestly ask for us a peaceful ending to our life and a good defence before the dread Judgment Seat of Christ!

Rejoice, O father Silouan, ever burning with love in thy prayer for the world!

Kontakion XII

Christ our God poured forth the indescribable power of grace upon thee, O venerable one, that in the heavens, where everything liveth and moveth in the joy of the Holy Spirit, He might show thee to be in the choir of Athonite ascetics, offering up supplications with all the saints on behalf of the world. And knowing thee to be thus, we pray: Pour forth fervent prayer unto the Lord, O most blessed one, that, moved to mercy, He may make His Holy Church steadfast forever. Pray for our salvation and preserve in every way the desert-lovers of the earthly Eden, and strengthen them, that the name of God may be glorified forever by those on earth and those in heaven, who chant: Alleluia!

Ikos XII

Hymning thine all-glorious memory, O God-bearing father Silouan, as is meet we bless the pangs and labours which thou didst most diligently endure in vigils and fasting with all the chosen ones of the Mother of God. For who can reckon the toil and sighs we tearfully offer up in prayers for the world? Whereby the Lord changeth His wrath over our sins into mercy, and in His love for mankind doth not disavow the oath He swore, that the Holy Church will be established until the end of time. Wherefore, thankful for this thine intercession, we cry out to thee with compunction:

Rejoice, diligent follower of the Holy Spirit;

Rejoice, thou who dost gaze upon the face of Christ, the Peace and Wisdom of God!

Rejoice, humble ascetic of Christ, joy and boast of the Mother of God, before all those in heaven and those on earth;

Rejoice, tireless advocate for the world, our consolation and hope of salvation!

Rejoice, heir of the kingdom of Christ, who didst adorn Mount Athos with thy struggle;

Rejoice, thou who hast sanctified for us the path which leadeth to God!

Rejoice, gilded clarion proclaiming the glory of God with all the saints and angels;

Rejoice, thou who, crowned by God with an immortal crown, hast not forsaken us!

Rejoice, O father Silouan, ever burning with love in thy prayer for the world!

Kontakion XIII

O all-wondrous Silouan, favourite of God, gracious scion of the land of Russia, boast and adornment of the desert-lovers of Mount Athos! Accept from us this meager entreaty, and ask thou of Christ our God, Who was crucified for the world, that He may have mercy on His children and may bind us with the grace of the Holy Spirit in the bond of His love, and may lead us to Himself by the judgments which He knoweth. Whereby, through thy supplications, we may appear unashamed on the day of judgment before the face of His glory, and may be vouchsafed with all the saints and angels to chant the hymn of victory: Alleluia!

This Kontakion is recited thrice, whereupon Ikos I and Kontakion I are repeated:

Ikos I

The Creator of angels and Lord of hosts chose thee beforehand from thy mother’s womb, and, as saith the Psalmist, gave thee a deep heart, O God-bearing father Silouan, that as in a most excellent receptacle thou mightest place the uncontainable name of God Most High, and through the power of God and divine grace might zealously follow the life of the angels. And praising the wondrous struggle of thine earthly labors, we reverently cry out to thee:

Rejoice, fruit of the chaste purity of pious parents;

Rejoice, fragrant flower of the unfading beauty of their struggle of faith!

Rejoice, thou who with all thy soul didst love the piety of thy parents.

Rejoice, thou who wast pleased to emulate their chastity and love for God!

Rejoice, thou who from childhood wast wondrously filled with the wisdom to seek joy in God;

Rejoice, thou who like a deer didst yearn for the well-spring of grace divine!

Rejoice, thou who didst sweeten thy youthful mind with the word of God, as with sweet honey;

Rejoice, thou who didst root thy heart wholly in the will of God!

Rejoice, O father Silouan, ever burning with love in thy prayer for the world!

Kontakion I

O chosen ascetic and earthly angel of Christ, all-blessed father Silouan, most excellent emulator of the fathers of Athos in vigils, fasting and humility! Through thy thirst for God and burning love for Him thou didst acquire abundant grace for thy soul, O most blessed one. Imitating Christ, thou didst crucify thyself with tearful prayer for those languishing in hades, for the living and for those yet to come.

Of this thy love deprive us not, who amid the vale of sin ask thine intercession before God and cry out with compunction:

Rejoice, O father Silouan, ever burning with love in thy prayer for the world!

Prayer to our Holy Father Silouan

(said while kneeling) O holy father Silouan, pray unto God for us!

O all-wondrous father Silouan, favourite of God! By the grace of God thou wast blessed to pray with tears for the whole world – the dead, the living and those yet to come; never cease to make entreaty to the Lord for us who earnestly fall down before thee and with compunction beseech thine intercession.

Move, thou O most blessed one, to prayer, the earnest Helper of the Christian race, the all-holy Theotokos and Ever-virgin Mary, who wondrously summoned thee to be a faithful husbandman in her earthly garden on Athos.

There, the chosen of God implore Him to be merciful and long-suffering toward our sins that He not be mindful of our injustices and iniquities, but that in His ineffable goodness our Lord Jesus Christ may take pity and save us in His great mercy.

Yea, O favourite of God, with the all-blessed Mistress of the world, the most holy Abbess of Athos, and the holy ascetics of her earthly portion, ask of the Word, Who is holier than all the saints, that Mount Athos and its God-loving desert-dwellers may be preserved in peace from all misfortunes and the assaults, of the enemy. Thus delivered by the angels from evils, and strengthened by the Holy Spirit in faith and brotherly love, may they until the end of time offer up supplications for the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, and show unto all the path to salvation, that the earthly Church and that of heaven may unceasingly glorify the Creator and Father of lights, illumining and sanctifying the world in the eternal righteousness and goodness of God.

For the peoples of the whole world ask, O Silouan, for a prosperous and peaceful life, the spirit of humble-mindedness and brotherly love, good morals and salvation, and the spirit of the fear of God. May the hearts of men not be infected with malicious iniquity, which is able to uproot the love of God in men and cast them into God-opposing enmity and fratricide, but, rather, may the name of God be sanctified in the power of divine love and righteousness on earth and in heaven, that His holy will may be manifest, among men, and that peace and the kingdom of God may reign on earth.

Likewise, O favourite of God, for our homeland, beg the peace we desire and the blessing of heaven, that, protected by the almighty veil of the Mother of God, it may be delivered from wrath, famine, plague, earthquake, flood, fire, the sword, foreign invasion, civil war, sudden death, and from all enemies, visible and invisible. Thus, through the power of the life-giving Cross, may our home be the most sacred dwelling-place of the all-blessed Theotokos until the end of time, and let it be established in the superabundant love of God.

And for all of us who are sunk in the darkness of sin, who have neither fervent repentance nor the fear of God, and thus immeasurably offend the Lord Who loveth us, O most blessed one, ask of our most compassionate God that He divinely visit and enliven our souls with His omnipotent grace, and that He abolish in our hearts all malice and the pride of life, despondency and negligence. Again we pray that when we are fortified by the grace of the most Holy Spirit and warmed by the love of God, we may be strengthened in love of mankind and our brethren, in humble-mindedness and prayerful crucifixion for one another and for all, and in the righteousness and grace-filled love of God. May we draw nigh unto Him like children: that thus doing His most holy will, we may tread the path of this transitory life unashamed, in all piety and purity, and with all the saints of the heavenly kingdom may be vouchsafed the wedding-banquet of the Lamb.

From all those in heaven and on earth be glory, honour and worship unto Him, and His unoriginate Father and His all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

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