The Archangel Michael is one of the most celebrated of the Angels and bodiless powers; he is called the Archistrategos, or chief commander, of all the bodiless powers. According to Holy Scripture and Tradition, he has interceded for humanity multiple times and continues to serve as the Defender of the Faith The name Michael means "like unto God" or "Who is like unto God?"
This Akathist makes reference to the numerous - and often fearsome - appearances of the Holy Archangel in the Old Testament, as well as his miracles within the life of the Church. His most famous miracle is the salvation of the church at Chonae in the 5th century A.D. Here a number of pagans tried to destroy this church by diverting the flow of two rivers directly into its path. However, the Archangel appeared amongst the waters, and, carrying a cross, channeled the rivers underground so that the ground the church stood on would not be destroyed. The spring which came forth after this event is said to have special healing powers. This is referred to in Ikos 7 of the Akathist below.